Honoring the Spirit of PAYW Workshops

Honoring the Spirit of PAYW Workshops

In the heart of Hillsborough, NJ, our workshops adopt a Pay-As-You-Wish (PAYW) model, a testament to our commitment to accessibility and inclusivity in learning ancient science of Yoga. We teach classical form of Yoga. This initiative allows our workshops, typically priced between $200 to $750, to be more accessible to those who might not otherwise afford them. Our private sessions, are offered at an hourly rate of $375.

Our PAYW model is designed with a dual purpose: to make our workshops accessible to all, especially those facing financial difficulties, and to foster a community built on trust and mutual respect. However, the success and sustainability of this model rely heavily on the integrity and commitment of our participants.

Respect for Commitment: We’ve observed instances (very few but there are) where the flexibility of PAYW has led to last-minute cancellations, despite multiple reminders. This not only impacts our resource allocation but also denies others who were genuinely interested the opportunity to participate since our class size is limited.

Integrity of Participation: The essence of PAYW lies in the honesty of need. It’s disheartening when individuals, capable of meeting the standard cost, opt to misuse this model, affecting its intent.

Future Policy Adjustments: To protect the integrity of PAYW and ensure it serves those in genuine need, we must adjust our policy. Participants who cancel last minute may find themselves ineligible for PAYW rates in the future.

Our Request to Participants:
— Please honor your commitment once you register for a workshop.
— Understand that PAYW is for those undergoing financial hardship. If your situation allows, consider contributing towards the standard pricing.
— Recognize the impact of last-minute cancellations on the community and our resources.

PAYW is more than a pricing model; it’s a gesture of trust and community support. As we move forward, we kindly ask all participants to reflect on the true intent behind this offering. Let’s work together to maintain the spirit of generosity and respect that defines our workshops, ensuring they remain a nurturing and accessible space for everyone.

For us, PAYW remains a commitment to those who need it most. By respecting this model, you’re not only honoring your personal journey but also supporting the broader community’s growth and access to transformative learning experiences.

Thank you for your understanding, cooperation, and for being an integral part of our community. Together, we can continue to make learning accessible, meaningful, and respectful for all.