Isha Prayer

Why do we chant Brahmananda Swaroopa?

Brahmananda Swaroopa, Isha Jagadisha
Akhilananda Swaroopa, Isha Mahesha

Brahman means boundless or the ultimate reality. Ananda means the blissfulness or ecstasy of the Creator, and Swaroopa is the form or image of the ecstasy of the Creator.

Isha is that which rules and Jagadisha is the ruler of the existence. Akhila means everything, all inclusiveness is Akhila. And that which is everything, the image of that, is Mahesha. So the Creator is referred to in so many ways. When we chant Brahmananda Swaroopawe are saying everything is an image of the ecstasy of the Creator.


Welcome | Namaskaram | Salaam | Aloha | Shalom | Ni Hao

We are a Classically trained & Certified Isha Hatha Yoga Teachers trained under the guidance of Sadhguru. Our workshops at Yoga Nebula are taught with care and exactitude to make a contributory atmosphere for learning the refined science of yoga in the New York City/New Jersey.

Taught in an intimate group setting, classes are designed to gradually introduce students to yoga practices through verbal instruction and demonstrations.We also feature informative videos that provide intellectual insight into the processes taking place.Unlike many modern yoga studios, we avoid playing music, using mirrors or props, talking while demonstrating, or physically touching participants during the classes.Many students comment on the depth of their experience as a direct result of this inward oriented teaching format.