Review: Angamardhana

Hillsborough Opposite Country Classics Fields, Hillsborough, NJ, United States

Please register before March-10th as seats are limited Once you register, you would receive an email to complete the next steps.   Angamardana, a fitness system rooted in yoga, offers everyone the opportunity to invigorate the body and reach peak physical and mental health. “Angamardana” means gaining complete mastery over the limbs, organs, and other […]


Full Moon – Apr 2023

Hillsborough Opposite Country Classics Fields, Hillsborough, NJ, United States

Welcome | Namaskaram | Salaam | Aloha | Shalom | Ni Hao We Invite you to come for Ling Bhairavi Devi Pooja. Welcome you to check the Isha Lunar Calendar for Full-Moon dates. Please read below in its entirety if you are planning to attend Devi Pooja happens every full moon night & it goes on […]


Bhuta Shuddhi – April 2023

Hillsborough Opposite Country Classics Fields, Hillsborough, NJ, United States

SOLD OUT Once you attend this Bhuta Shuddhi Workshop, you will be equipped with a 10-minutes take home practice for life. The basis for all creation, including the physical body, is the group of five elements: earth, water, wind, fire, and space. The wellbeing of the body and mind can be established by purifying these five […]


Full Moon – May 2023

Hillsborough Opposite Country Classics Fields, Hillsborough, NJ, United States

Welcome | Namaskaram | Salaam | Aloha | Shalom | Ni Hao We Invite you to come for Ling Bhairavi Devi Pooja. Welcome you to check the Isha Lunar Calendar for Full-Moon dates. Please read below in its entirety if you are planning to attend Devi Pooja happens every full moon night & it goes on […]


Let’s All Chant

Hillsborough Opposite Country Classics Fields, Hillsborough, NJ, United States

We will be chanting non-stop, you are welcome to join when you can. A mantra is a pure sound with no identification or meaning. Sounds have an impact on both the body and mind. Mantras are certain sounds identified to have a deep impact on the system, which can be used as a key to […]


Surya Shakti

Hillsborough Opposite Country Classics Fields, Hillsborough, NJ, United States

Please register before May-25 as seats are limited Once you register, you would receive an email to complete the next steps. Surya Shakti is an active form of the Sun Salutation. It is an ancient yogic practice which is a powerful sequence of 18 postures. It is designed as a holistic process for great physical fitness. “Surya” […]


Full Moon – June 2023

Hillsborough Opposite Country Classics Fields, Hillsborough, NJ, United States

Welcome | Namaskaram | Salaam | Aloha | Shalom | Ni Hao We Invite you to come for Ling Bhairavi Devi Pooja. Welcome you to check the Isha Lunar Calendar for Full-Moon dates. Please read below in its entirety if you are planning to attend Devi Pooja happens every full moon night & it goes on […]


108 Times – Hanuman Chalisa

Hillsborough Opposite Country Classics Fields, Hillsborough, NJ, United States

We will be chanting non-stop from 11am to 7pm.Incase, you are interested, please email contact @ 


Angamardhana – Review -2023

Hillsborough Opposite Country Classics Fields, Hillsborough, NJ, United States

Please register before June-15th as seats are limitedOnce you register, you would receive an email to complete the next steps.  Angamardana, a fitness system rooted in yoga, offers everyone the opportunity to invigorate the body and reach peak physical and mental health. “Angamardana” means gaining complete mastery over the limbs, organs, and other parts of […]


11 Days Workshops

Hillsborough Opposite Country Classics Fields, Hillsborough, NJ, United States